


Mixed media on recycled canvas.

This beauty was created after my son showed me the plight of the white rhino. We were researching unique and obscure creatures on our laptops during an impromptu drawing session one rainy afternoon.

Sudan, who was the last male of his subspecies, the Northern White rhinoceros, died in March of 2018, at a sanctuary in Kenya. With only 2 females left, his partner and granddaughter, the NWR is now considered functionally extinct. ( it hurts to even type that term).

Colt and I watched Susan’s story unfold and knew I had to honor him with a painting. We decided to donate all of the proceeds ( to help protect the majestic, threatened and lovely rhinos who need our help.

Please take the time to learn about the less popular, sometimes misunderstood and odd creatures that roam our planet and deserve our respect and adoration. Research with your kids; share, draw their portrait, create a project/piece of art work in their honor, donate to an organization committed to saving these epic beasts.

Create. Love. Give.

encourage others to do the same.

Invite Sudan into your home and help bring awareness to endangered animals. It’s a win-win.

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16x18 3.00lbs

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